Don’t worry. We are going to do it step by step.
First, to make sure we all keep a friendly and respectful atmosphere for the project, check out the Code of Conduct.
The topic for this year's Festival is :
Friendship and Teens' Life Around the World
Answer these questions in the comments section:
Are friends important for you?
What activities do you share with them?
Complete this sentence: A friend is someone who....
What kind of problems can you have with them?
How do you solve those problems? What is something you would never forgive?
Then, take your time to browse through the different settings and characters available on DFilm.
You are not going to write the script today. Just choose a setting and the characters for your cartoon.
If you have time, go to the Festival Wiki. On the sidebar, click on your course and then on your names. Each pair will have a wiki page to work on the script, so that you can edit and save your work there. Click on Edit Page to write and on Save when you finish.
Once there, you can write the setting and the names of the characters. Also, you can prepare a brief summary of the story.