Congratulations everybody!
You’ve finished your first movie! How was it?
You’ve all worked really hard, so it’s time to look back at the process you’ve gone through and do a bit of self-evaluation.
Did all members of the group make a contribution? Did each one have a different task?
What was the most difficult part? and the part you enjoyed the most?
How did you like the activity on the whole? Were you able to do what you expected? Did you have any problems?
Would you like to make any suggestions for next year? What would you change, improve?
Yes, they did. Yes, they had different tasks.
The most difficult part was when we had to write the dialogs and the part that we enjoyed the most was when we had to choose the characters and the places.
Yes,we liked the activity and we didn't have any problems.
No,we don't have suggestions for next year.
Yes, all the members did a part of the movie.No, we had the same task.
We think that all was difficult, we haven't got any especific part. The part that we enjoyed the most was when the UfOs discussed.
The activity was very funny, we liked it a lot. Yes, we were. No, we didn't have any problems.
Yes, to make the movie longer. We would't change anything especific.
Yes, they did. No, because we worked in pairs.
The most difficult part was to write the dialogs. The part that we enjoyed the most was to choose the characters.
We liked it a lot, because we could work in pairs and had fun. Yes, we were. No, we didn't.
Yes. I would put sound and voice to the characters.
yes, they did.
yes, they did.
The most difficult part was to select the music. The part we enjoyed the most was to select the characters.
The activity was entertaining
and funny. Yes, we can do everything and we didn't have any problems.
yes, we would. We would change characters.
Yes, they did. Yes, they had different tasks.
The most difficult part was when we had to write the dialogs and choose the kind of movie. The part that we enjoyed the most was when we had to choose the characters.
Yes,we liked the activity and we didn't have any problems.
No,we don't have any suggestions.
Yes, we did. Yes, we did. One writes the story and the other thinks and tells ideas. The most difficult part was choose the characters and the part we enjoyed the most we to think the story. Yes, we liked the activity and we didn`t have any probrems. We don`t have any suggestion.
Yes, we did. We have different task. All members of the group made a contribution.
The most difficult part was when we had to write the conversation. And when we chose the actors was the part that we enjoyed the most.
Yes , we liked it. We didn`t have problems because it was easy. We enjoyed the activity.
Well, we would change the music, beacuse isn`t very lovely.
- Yes, they all made contributions.
- Yes, we had differents tasks.
- The most difficult part was selecting the characters. And the part we enjoyed the most was the dialogue part.
- We liked the activity, but we had had planned more scenes and a story a little bit different, but everything was ok.
- Maybe some other ideas for the movie theme, and more characters and more places. Make the movie longer, too.
1)yes, we did.
yes, we did
2) The most difficult part was choosing the caracters.
I enjoyed most chosing the scenes.
3) No, I think it´s boring.
yes, we were.
no, we didn´t
4)yes, we think that we can do more quick activities.
Yes, they did. Yes, they did.
The difficult part was thinking the ideas. The part that we most enjoyed was when we had to choose the characters.
We like the activity and it was very funny. We didn`t have any problems.
Yes, we would change some scenes.
I)Yes we've worked together while making the movie. We didn't have a specific task so we worked as a team.
II)The most difficult part was to make the dialogs and the things the characters would say. The part we enjoyed the most was to create the characters.
III) The activity was very difficult. Lucky for us we could make what we wanted so we didn't have any problem.
IV) No, I wouldn't like. I wont change anything
yes,we did .yes, we did. the difficult part was the conversation.The part that we enjoyed was choose the music and characters.It was easy to made the film.Yes,we were. no,we didn't.No, we don`t have any suggestions for next year.
Juliana and Camila
I didn't make a contribution because I came late.
Yes we all had a different task.
The most difficult part was the second part of the movie.I enjoyed the third part.
We had one problem in the second part of the movie.
Yes I like that the movie can have more characters. I would like to change the second part
Yes, but we didn't finish the movie.
We think the most difficult part was the first.We didn't enjoy the movie because we didn't have time to finish it!.
We wanted to finish the movie!!!!
1a)Yes, we did.
1b)No, we did.
2a) The most difficult part was think the kind of our story.
2b) The part we enjoyed the most was to select the music.
3a) We liked very much on the whole
3b) Yes, we were
3c) No, we didn´t
4) No, we wouldn´t
5) We would change the characters
... vamos nob ...
1:yes, we worked together. yes,we did.
2:The most difficult part was to choose the music and write the conversation. I enjoyed was make the movie.
3:We liked the activity, but we had had planned more scenes and a story a little bit different, but everything was ok
4:Maybe some other ideas for the movie theme, and more characters and more places. Make the movie longer, too.
I think that my movie was the best of all but this is our opinion.
1- Yes, they did.
2- Yes, they did
3- Choose the songs because the all the songs were beautiful. And the best part was when we select the charecteres.
4- Make the movie. we don´t have any problems
5- No I wouldn´t . I change the second escene.
Yes,all the members made a very good contribution.
Yes,we had a different task.
In my opinion the most difficult part was when we had to write.My favorite part was when we could see the all the movie.We didn`t have any probleme.
I like the movie but I didn`t like the charecters.
The most difficult part was to choose the music because all pieces of music were very good. We didn't have.
Yes, we were.
No we didn't.
Yess was faboulus!!!
+ Yes, we did.
+ No, we didn't.
+ It was the vocabulary.
+ We enjoyed to make the movie
+ No, we didn't
+ Yes, we have
+ No, we wouldn't
+ We change the characters
Maii and Camii
Yes they did.
Yes we did.
The most dificcult part didn't exist.
We didn't have .
Make the movie
Yes. But the software is bad.
no I didn't.
no I would't.
Yes...all.The software is bad and the graphics too!¡!
Yes they did
No, we do the same stuff
It was right the title
It was make all the movie
Yes we did
No in fact it was easier than what we spected
No we don't
We wanna make more scenes
Yes,they did
Yes,he did
The most difficult part was to choose the dialogs
We didn't had a favorite part
We didn't had any problems
*yes, they did.
*no, we didn´t.
*The most difficult part was to make the conversation.
*The part we enjoyed the most was to choose the characters.
*We liked make the movie.
*Yes, we did.
*No, we didn't.
*No, we wouldn't.
Yes, they did.Yes,we had a different task.
The most difficult part was when we had to write.My favourite part was when we had to select the characters.
We liked the activity.Yes, we were. No, we didn`t.
No, we wouldn`t.
We will improve to make more long the story.
Yes they did.
Yes they did.
The most difficult part was to build the dialogs.
The part we enjoyed the most was the ending.
The activity was great we liked it a lot.
Yes we were.
No we don't have any suggestions.
I don't want to change anything.
Yes, they did.
Yes, they had different tasks.
The most difficult part was when we had to write the dialogs. The most enjoyed part was when we saw the film
Yes,we liked the activity and we didn't have any problems.
No,we don't have suggestions for next year.
Yes, we did.
Yes, we did.
The most difficult part was to make the movie.But the part we enjoyed the most was the whole movie.
Yes, we liked it.No we didn't have any problems.
No we wouldn't like to make any suggestions.
Yes, we did.
No, we didn't.
The most difficult part was to select the characters.
We didn't have a favorite part.
Yes, we did.
No, we didn't have any problems.
No,we wouldn't like to make suggestions for next year and we wouldn't want to change anything.
yes, they did
no, we didn't
the most difficult was the vocabulary.
we enjoyed to make to movie.
yes, we did.
no, we didn't have any problem.
no, we didn't
We, wouldn't change.
yes. they did.
no, we didn't have a different task.
the most difficult part was to select the characters. the part we enjoyed the most was when we watched the movie.
yes,we liked the activity.
we didn't had any problem.
no. we don't have suggestions for the nex yaer.
Yes,they did.
Yes,they did.
The most difficult part was to build up the dialogs.
The part we enjoyed the most was when we saw the movie.
Yes, we liked very much.
No, we didn´t have any problems.
No, we didn´t have any suggestions for next year.
No, we wouldn´t change anything.
Yes, they did. No, we didn't. We do all together.
The most difficult part were the dialogs. The part we most enjoyed was watching the finished movie.
It was fantastic. Yes, we can do all we expected.
we have a little problem with the dialogs.
Yes, we would. We suggest improving the way which you make the movie, we had really litlle freedom.
Yes, they did.
Yes, they did.
The most difficult part was when we had thinking the dialogs. The most enjoyed part it was the two caracters going to the beach.
Yes, they did. Yes, they did. No, they didn`t
yes, they would. No, they wouldn`t
Yes, they did.
Yes, they did.
The most difficult part was when we built up the dialogs because we didn't know how to make them. And the most enjoyed part was when we watched our movie.
The activity was very funny.
Yes, we were.
Yes, we did.
No, we wouldn't.
No, I didn't. My partner made the dialog and I made the other.
The most difficult part is when my partner made the dialog.
No, I didn't. No, I didn't. Yes, I did.
Yes, I would. The dialog.
Yes, they did.
Yes, they did.
It was the vocabulary.
We enjoyed to make the movie
The activity was great we liked it a lot.
We had had planned more scenes and a story a little bit different, but everything was ok.
We didn`t have any probrems. We don`t have any suggestion.
1)Yes ,we did.We worked together and we exchanged ideas between us.
2)The most difficult part was writing the dialogs and we enjoyed choosing the characters.
3)I enjoyed it.Yes, and we didn't have any problems.
4)No I wouldn't like to do that.Everithing is OK.
5)I'll change the characters, because they are boring.
All members of the group make a contribution and we all had the same task. The most difficult part was when we had to write the dialog. And the part that we enjoyed most was when we had to select the characters, background and music. We didn't had any problems and though it was easy.We would like to suggest not to do it again.
On the film all the members contributed. We wanted to do the same movie and we suggested differents ideas. The most difficult part was writing the dialogs and the part that we most enjoyed was selecting the characters.
We enyoed making the movie and we could select the music that we wanted to use.We hadn't any problems to make the movie.
We would change the characters and the backgrounds.
Yes, we did. Both of us work in the movie.
No, we didn`t. Both of us work in all of the same task.
The most difficult thing was make the dialog. We enjoy a lot the music section.
We like the work because was intersting and different that the things we do everyday.Yes,the movie was like we thought. No, we didn't have any problem.
No...We didn`t have any suggestions for the next year.
Me and my friend worked really hard and we done everything that was possible. I liked the activity, but i think that we weren't able to do many thing because somethings like the characters, the scenes pictures and the number of scenes were limited. I think that if we can choose more options or do our own option it would be better
- Yes, we worked together during all the movie maker process.
- No, we did everything together.
- The movie was easy to make, we didn't think anything was dificult. We enjoyed to chose the caracters.
- It was fine, but we weren't able to do what we expected because there was a limit of characters.
- More space to write and more scenes.
Glauco And Thiago.
We all worked, and we didn't separate the tasks. It was, indeed, an easy activity, therefor, we didn't enjoy it, because it was really boring and we didn't learn anything from it.
Dfilm has to improve a lot, still, I don't have anything to suggest.
It was very fantastic, great.We learned a lot.All the members had done the work and everyone said and discuss their ideas.The most diffucult part was the criation of the plot.
We enjoyed the most making the movie and chosing the caracters.
It was very difficult but in the end the work was really nice and we liked it a lot.We haven't any problems.
I think maybe you could choose objects to equip the caracters
and maybe some clothes too.
Lucas A Lucas M Matheus
Yes, they did. Yes, everyone had a different task to make the film faster.
The most difficult part was to make the dialogs and the part we enjoyed the most was choose the characters, places and sounds.
I liked a lot the activity and we were able to do exactly what we expected. No, we didn't have any problems.
Yes. I think the characters can be more beautifully and they can have voice.
Luisa and Tauane
-->Yes, we did.
-->No, we didn´t.
-->The most difficult part was the second scene, because the monster was boring.
-->The part I enjoyed the most was the end, because the love was on the air.
--> I´d like because was very creative.
-->Yes, we were.
-->No, we didn´t have any problem.
-->No, I wouldn´t.
Yes, we did.
No, everybody did the same work together.
The most diffucult part was to type the text, and the part I enjoyed the most was to create the movie.
I liked this activity very much because I learned how to make a movie.
Yes, we were able to complete the activity and we had no problems.
We could do what we expected.
I think you have to add new characters to the movies.
I wouldn't change anything because I think this activity was so good and I wouldn't improve it either.
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